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2SHA ⽣体分⼦⼯学と低物理エネルギーロジスティックスで切り拓く新たな⽣体操作学

2022年9月29日(木) 08:45 〜 11:15 H会場 (函館市民会館 大会議室)

オーガナイザー:井上 圭一(東京大),今村 博臣(京都大)


Optogenetics enabled us precisely and noninvasively manipulate a variety of biological events in vivo such as neural firing, gene expression, cellular morphological change and so on. To expand the concept of optogenetics toward biological events in deep tissue which are difficult by using visible light, further paradigm shift of manipulation technology is required. To achieve this goal, we are focusing on using photothermal effect, ultrasound and magnetic field as novel external-field technologies to manipulate biological responses even in deep tissues by combining biomolecular engineering of new molecular systems and low-physical energy logistics. In this symposium, we will introduce cutting-edge researches for next generation biological manipulation.