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1SAA AIと実験のコンチェルトで奏でる生命科学のパラダイムシフト

2023年11月14日(火) 09:00 〜 11:30 A会場 (展示室211(2号館 1F))

オーガナイザー:井上 圭一(東京大学)、田端 和仁(東京大学)

共催:JST/CREST 「バイオDX」

The applications of AI in biological and medical fields have been rapidly progressing in these decades. In particular, the structural prediction by Alphafold2 drastically changed the situation of structural biology. The application of AI, however, in other fields is not so established, and many drastic developments are still being demanded. In this symposium, we will present cutting-edge studies incorporating both AI and experiments in a complementary manner for biological and chemical applications. Given the current situation in each discipline, we will discuss the future perspective of biological discovery and paradigm shift by integrating AI and experimental approaches.