

アカデミックイベント » シンポジウム

1SFA 生体ー環境相互作用をトランススケール解析する学際的アプローチ

2023年11月14日(火) 09:00 〜 11:30 F会場 (会議室231(2号館 3F))

オーガナイザー:鈴木 団(大阪大学)、大山 廣太郎(量子科学技術研究開発機構)、山澤 徳志子(東京慈恵会医科大学)


Response of an organism to external stimuli is an essential step for adaptation to external environment. The response relies on that of cells, biomolecules, and their network. In this symposium, we explore the interactions between organisms and environment throughout the spatial scales. We begin with speakers who examine heat and thermal responses at the scales of atoms, molecules and cells. Their interdisciplinary approaches span over biophysics, computational chemistry, and material science. Next, quantitative fluorescence imaging of kinase activities will be introduced as a representative intracellular signaling that can be perturbed quickly by thermal stimulus. Lastly, we will learn how the organism-environment interactions have been examined successfully by state-of-the-art robots as a constructive approach. This symposium is suitable for those who are interested in interdisciplinary approaches to examine the interaction of biological systems with environment at any spatial scales of biological systems.