

アカデミックイベント » シンポジウム

1SHA 台湾-日本二国間シンポジウム

2023年11月14日(火) 09:00 〜 11:30 H会場 (会議室234(2号館 3F))

オーガナイザー:Shang-Te Danny Hsu(Academia Sinica)、中根 大介(電気通信大学)

This symposium aims to highlight the current mainstream topics in biophysics and also explore the collaboration and development in the field of biophysics in the Taiwan-Japan region. The symposium includes young and upcoming researchers from the Biophysical Society of Taiwan and the Biophysical Society of Japan. We hope that the close in-person interaction and constructive discussions at this symposium will keep the scientific activity, and to have a significant impact on the community.

09:25 〜 09:50

〇Shang-Te Danny Hsu1,2,3、Piotr Draczkoswki1、Yong-Sheng Wang1,2、Ting Chen1、Szu-Ni Chen1、Kuen-Phon Wu1,2 (1.Inst. of Biological Chemistry, Academia Sinica, Taiwan、2.Inst. of Biochemical Sciences, National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan、3.International Inst. for Sustainability with Knotted Chiral Meta Matter, Hiroshima Univ. Higashihiroshima, Japan)