The 61st Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan

Session information

Academic Events » Symposium

1SLA Plant Cell Logic and Chemical AI

Tue. Nov 14, 2023 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM Room L (Conference Room 133+134 (Bldg. 1, 3F))

Organizers: Inoue Daisuke (Kyushu Univ.)、Mizuuchi Ryo (Waseda Univ.)、Matsubayashi Hideaki (Tohoku Univ.)


Molecular cybernetics aims to develop artificial molecular information processing systems (Chemical AI) by connecting multiple molecular units that package functional molecules acting as sensors, processors, and actuators. On the other hand, plant cells have simple information processing systems without a central nervous system that may provide inspiration for the design of Chemical AI. In this symposium, molecular cybernetics researchers and plant cell biologists will discuss and explore ideas for designing chemical AI inspired by plant cells, and for applying the fundamental techniques of molecular cybernetics to plant cell research ranging from imaging to reconstruction experiments.

10:16 AM - 10:39 AM

〇Taro Toyota1,2, Yiting Zhang1,3, Haruto Obuchi1, Shogo Hamada4, Hironori Sugiyama5, Keita Abe6, Akihiro Inada7, Teijiro Isokawa7, Satoshi Murata6 (1.Grad. Sch. Arts Sci., Univ. Tokyo, 2.Univ. Biol. Inst., Univ. Tokyo, 3.Coll. Sci, Rikkyo Univ., 4.Int. Grad. Sch. Sci. Eng., Tokyo Inst. Tech., 5.ExCELLS, NINS, 6.Grad. Sch. Eng., Tohoku Univ., 7.Grad. Sch. Eng., Univ. Hyogo)