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2SAP 分子の集合からシステムへ、そして生命へ:高解像な生命の起源研究

2023年11月15日(水) 14:00 〜 16:30 A会場 (展示室211(2号館 1F))

オーガナイザー:Tony Z. Jia(Tokyo Tech)、車 兪澈(海洋研究開発機構)

Life began from a mixture of chemicals in the early Earth environment, and eventually resulted in the emergence of functional cells by passing through intermediates such as assemblies and systems. However, nearly every aspect of this historical transition leading to the emergence of life remains unsolved. In this symposium, we will highlight research focusing on each step of the origins of life, with an attempt to develop and increase the resolution of origins of life studies to more accurately reveal the step-wise transition from non-life to life.

14:35 〜 15:00

〇陳 辰1,2、Ruiqin Yi2、Motoko Igisu3、Chie Sakaguchi4、Rehana Afrin2、Christian Potiszil4、Tak Kunihiro4、Katsura Kobayashi4、Eizo Nakamura4、Yuichiro Ueno2,5、Andre Antunes6,10、Anna Wang7、Kuhan Chandru8、Jihua Hao9、Tony Z. Jia2,10 (1.RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science、2.Earth-Life Science Institute, Tokyo Institute of Technology、3.Institute for Extra-cutting-edge Science and Technology Avant-garde Research (X-star), JAMSTEC、4.The Pheasant Memorial Laboratory for Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry, Okayama University、5.Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology、6.State Key Laboratory of Lunar and Planetary Sciences, MUST、7.School of Chemistry, UNSW Sydney、8.Space Science Center (ANGKASA), National University of Malaysia、9.CAS Laboratory of Crust-Mantle Materials and Environments, University of Science and Technology of China、10.Blue Marble Space Institute of Science)

15:00 〜 15:15

〇野田 夏実1、高橋 南帆2、野村 浩平2、橋谷 文貴3、阿部 洋2,3,4、松浦 友亮1 (1.東京工業大学 地球生命研究所、2.名古屋大学 大学院理学研究科、3.名古屋大学 物質科学国際研究センター、4.名古屋大学 統合糖鎖研究拠点iGCORE, 糖鎖生命コア研究拠点)