The 61st Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan

Session information

Academic Events » Symposium

2SJP The forefront of high-resolution cell and bioparticle analysis technology

Wed. Nov 15, 2023 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM Room J (Conference Room 141+142 (Bldg. 1, 4F))

Organizers: Ota Sadao (The Univ. of Tokyo)、Watanabe Rikiya (RIKEN)


Science and technology feed each other, mutually driving progress in both fields. This symposium assembles leading developers and adopters of cutting-edge technology focused on cell-based, extracellular vesicle (EV)-based, and molecular-based phenotyping. By fostering insightful conversations and engaging presentations, we anticipate the emergence of synergistic and inventive connections among the various strata of biological systems. These include molecules (nucleic acids, peptides, proteins), biological particles (organelles, viruses, EVs), and cells (single cells, organoids).