

アカデミックイベント » シンポジウム

2SLP 細胞システムの複雑なメカニクス

2023年11月15日(水) 14:00 〜 16:30 L会場 (会議室133+134(1号館 3F))

オーガナイザー:出口 真次(大阪大学)、平田 宏聡(金沢工業大学)

Cells are the unit of living systems, regulating diverse biological processes. It has now become clear that mechanical factors such as the stiffness of intracellular and extracellular components allow cellular systems to function properly, while the whole picture of the mechanisms is yet poorly understood. In this symposium, we focus on the roles of mechanical factors in mediating cellular and subcellular processes and discuss how “mechanics” in such highly complex systems could be probed with techniques/technologies in physics and engineering. Specifically, recent studies from both experimental and theoretical approaches will be presented regarding the embryonic and fetal development and cellular biophysical homeostasis.

15:28 〜 15:50

〇勝田 紘基1,2、奥田 覚3、長山 和亮4、町山 裕亮5、加藤 昌志2、曽我部 正博2,7、宮田 卓樹2、木戸秋 悟6、平田 宏聡2,8 (1.岡山大・院・医歯薬、2.名大・院医、3.金沢大・ナノライフ生命、4.茨城大・理工、5.東京医大・免疫、6.九大・先導物質化学研究所、7.金沢工大・産学連携室、8.金沢工大・バイオ・化学)