2:00 PM - 2:22 PM
〇Takaharu Okajima (1.Fac. Inform. Sci. Tech., Hokkaido University)
Academic Events » Symposium
Wed. Nov 15, 2023 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM Room L (Conference Room 133+134 (Bldg. 1, 3F))
Organizers: Deguchi Shinji (Osaka Univ.)、Hirata Hiroaki (Kanazawa Inst. of Tech.)
Cells are the unit of living systems, regulating diverse biological processes. It has now become clear that mechanical factors such as the stiffness of intracellular and extracellular components allow cellular systems to function properly, while the whole picture of the mechanisms is yet poorly understood. In this symposium, we focus on the roles of mechanical factors in mediating cellular and subcellular processes and discuss how “mechanics” in such highly complex systems could be probed with techniques/technologies in physics and engineering. Specifically, recent studies from both experimental and theoretical approaches will be presented regarding the embryonic and fetal development and cellular biophysical homeostasis.
2:00 PM - 2:22 PM
〇Takaharu Okajima (1.Fac. Inform. Sci. Tech., Hokkaido University)
2:22 PM - 2:44 PM
〇Misato Iwashita, Yoichi Kosodo (1.Korea Brain Research Institute)
2:44 PM - 3:06 PM
〇Hiromi Miyoshi (1.Mech. Sys. Eng., Tokyo Metro. Univ.)
3:06 PM - 3:28 PM
〇Kana Furukawa (1.INSD, Osaka Univ.)
3:28 PM - 3:50 PM
〇Hiroki Katsuta1,2, Satoru Okuda3, Kazuaki Nagayama4, Hiroaki Machiyama5, Masashi Kato2, Masahiro Sokabe2,7, Takaki Miyata2, Satoru Kidoaki6, Hiroaki Hirata2,8 (1.Grad. Sch. Med., Okayama Univ., 2.Grad. Sch. Med., Nagoya Univ., 3.Nano LSL, Kanazawa Univ., 4.Dept. of Biomech. and Eng., Ibaraki Univ., 5.Dept. of Immunol., Tokyo Medical Univ., 6.IMCE, Kyushu Univ., 7.KIT, 8.College of Biosci. and Chem., KIT)
3:50 PM - 4:08 PM
〇Ilaria Incaviglia, Giulia Ammirati, Sophie Herzog, Daniel J. Müller (1.ETH Zürich)
4:08 PM - 4:30 PM
〇Shinji Deguchi (1.Div. Bioeng., Osaka Univ.)