

アカデミックイベント » シンポジウム

2SMA 定量的な細胞力学解析による動的な生命システムの理解

2023年11月15日(水) 08:50 〜 11:20 M会場 (会議室431+432(4号館 3F))

オーガナイザー:新宅 博文(理化学研究所)、牧 功一郎(京都大学)


The mechanical phenotype of cells is a key biophysical property that arises from the intracellular states at the molecular level and is associated with cellular function. In multiple cellular contexts, the mechanical phenotypes are coordinated for autonomous morphogenesis and functional maturation. In this symposium, we invite researchers from various fields, including engineering, computational biology, and basic biology, and showcase research attempts that focus on the mechanical phenotype for diagnosis purposes and for dissecting the dynamics of biological systems.

08:50 〜 09:20

〇砂留 一範 11,12、Alek G Erickson1、Delf Kah2、Ben Fabry2、Csaba Adori3、Shigeaki Kanatani4、Polina Kameneva5、Louis Faure5、Marketa Kaucka6、Ivar Dehnisch Ellström7、Marketa Tesarova8、Tomas Zikmund8、Jozef Kaiser8、Steven Edwards9、牧 功一郎10、安達 泰治10、山本 拓也11,12、Kaj Fried3、Igor Adameyko1,5 (1.京都大学医生物学研究所生命システム研究部門京都大学ヒト生物学高等研究拠点京都大学iPS細胞研究所、2.Department of Physics, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg、3.Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet、4.Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, Division of Molecular Neurobiology, Karolinska Institutet、5.Department of Neuroimmunology, Center for Brain Research, Medical University Vienna、6.Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology、7.Spinalis Foundation、8.Central European Institute of Technology, Brno University of Technology、9.KTH Royal Institute of Technology、10.Department of Biosystems Science, Institute for Life and Medical Sciences, Kyoto University、11.Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Biology (ASHBi), Kyoto University、12.Center for iPS Cell Research and Application, Kyoto University)