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3SEA 細胞のメゾ構造体の形成と機能の機構:先端イメジング法による解明

2023年11月16日(木) 09:00 〜 11:30 E会場 (会議室224(2号館 2F))

オーガナイザー:下林 俊典(京都大学)、楠見 明弘(沖縄科学技術大学院大学)

To understand how cells work, biophysicists are now discovering the mechanisms by which mesoscale subcellular molecular complexes are formed and function. This approach, particularly that using advanced microscopic imaging methods, is turning out to be very fruitful. Meso-scale, often between 3 and 300 nm, is an interesting spatial scale where non-living nano-scale molecules are assembled to start exhibiting the clear features of micron-scale living cells. Furthermore, recent research advances on the liquid condensates are further activating meso-scale investigations. Therefore, this symposium will focus on this very hot topic of meso-scale structures/events, including liquid signaling platforms, myosin-motor-driven cargo-membrane sculpting, subsynaptic meso-domains, DNA breaks, and fundamental material properties of biomolecular condensates. We hope to make this symposium a place where, together with the audience, new fundamentally important ideas emerge toward the understanding of how subcellular meso-scale structures form and function.

09:01 〜 09:30

〇角山 貴昭1、Christian Hoffmann2、Daiki Sasaki1、Bo Tang1、Koichiro M Hirosawa3、Yuri L Nemoto4、Rinshi R Kasai3、Takahiro K Fujiwara5、Kenichi GN Suzuki3,5、Hiroki Ishikawa1、Dragomir Milovanovic2、Akihiro Kusumi1,5 (1.沖縄科学技術大学院大学岐阜大・糖鎖生命コア研究所神戸大・バイオシグナル総合研究センター京大・物質ー細胞統合拠点、2.German Cent. Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)、3.Inst. Glyco-Core Res. (iGCORE), Gifu Univ.、4.Biosignal Res. Cent., Kobe Univ.、5.Inst.Integ.Cell-Mat. Sci. (WPI-iCeMS), Kyoto Univ.)