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3SFA 水和による水運動の不均一性から考える生物分子機能

2023年11月16日(木) 09:00 〜 11:30 F会場 (会議室231(2号館 3F))

オーガナイザー:今清水 正彦(産業技術総合研究所)、菱田 真史(筑波大学)

How does a biomacromolecular complex like an enzyme work accurately and regulatory in water solvent system dominated by thermal fluctuations? The key to understand this question lies in the fact that, due to hydration, the thermal motions involved in biomolecular functions are temporally and spatially heterogeneous. For example, the collective intermolecular dynamics of protein and water molecules, which are overlapped in the sub-THz frequency region, may be relevant for expressing protein functions. In this symposium, we will attempt to discuss new directions regarding the unexplained phenomena in biomolecular functions based on the measurements of intermolecular dynamics, such as THz-TDS, fs-RIKES, microwave dielectric relaxation and NMR, and the physicochemical theoretical approach.