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3SKA 我ら地球生物の可能性~極限微生物から人工細胞まで~

2023年11月16日(木) 09:00 〜 11:30 K会場 (会議室131+132(1号館 3F))

オーガナイザー:市橋 伯一(東京大学)、鈴木 志野(宇宙航空研究開発機構)


The recent discovery of new microorganisms with extraordinary characteristics has extended the possibility of living organisms on Earth. Similarly, the recent synthesis of artificial cellular and non-cellular systems has revealed what life could potentially be. As a result of these studies, we have come to realize that the potential of living systems on Earth, including human beings, is much greater than previously thought. In this symposium, we have invited researchers who are actively studying microorganisms in extraordinary habitats or synthesizing artificial systems with extraordinary properties. We hope that this symposium will provide an opportunity for researchers from different fields to broaden their perspectives on living things.

09:25 〜 09:45

〇小杉 真貴子1、川崎 政人2、柴田 穣3、原 光二郎4、高市 真一5、安達 成彦2、守屋 俊夫2、亀井 保博6、工藤 栄7、菓子野 康浩8、小池 裕幸9、千田 俊哉2、大谷 修司10、豊田 敦11、西出 浩世12、皆川 純1 (1.基生研・環境光、2.高エネ機構・構造生物、3.東北大・理、4.秋田県立大・生物資源、5.東京農大・生命、6.基生研・超階層生物、7.極地研・生物圏、8.兵庫県立大・理、9.中央大・理工、10.島根大・教育、11.遺伝研・ゲノム・進化、12.基生研・データ統合)