The 61st Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan

Presentation information

Academic Events » Poster Presentation

01B. Protein: Structure & Function

Tue. Nov 14, 2023 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Poster (Event Hall (Bldg. 1, 1F))

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

[1Pos016] Role of a disulfide bond in H-CDR3 loop of antibody for antigen binding and stability

〇Mutsumi Yoshida1, Yumi Kitagawa1, Masayuki Oda1, Nobutaka Numoto2, Nobutoshi Ito2 (1.Grad. Sch. Life. Environ. Sci., Kyoto Pref. Univ., 2.Med. Res. Inst., Tokyo Med. Dent. Univ.)

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