
Presentation information

界面分子、天然ガス, 規則性多孔体, ナノ構造


Wed. Mar 30, 2022 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM P会場 (-)

[P46] Support effects in the low-temperature activation of methane to HCN catalyzed by AuPt alloys


〇Isaac Tyrone GHAMPSON1, Hiroki Miura1,4,5, Kyoko Bando3, Junichi Murakami3, Tetsuya Kodaira3, Atsushi Takagaki2, Tatsumi Ishihara2, Tetsuya Shishido1,4,5 (1. Tokyo Metropolitan University, 2. Kyushu University, 3. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science, 4. Research Center for Hydrogen Energy-based Society, 5. ESICB Kyoto University)