34th IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics(CCP2023)



23件中 (1 - 10)

  • Plenary talk
  • | Plenary

2023年8月5日(土) 09:20 〜 10:00 Main Hall (Room 1)

Chair: Tetsuo Hatsuda (RIKEN)

  • Plenary talk
  • | Plenary

2023年8月5日(土) 15:30 〜 16:10 Main Hall (Room 1)

Chair: Masatoshi Imada (Waseda University)

  • Keynote talk
  • | Keynote

2023年8月5日(土) 10:10 〜 10:50 301 (Room 2) (3F)

Chair: Kazuhiro Yabana(University of Tsukuba)

  • Keynote talk
  • | Keynote

2023年8月5日(土) 10:10 〜 10:50 Main Hall (Room 1)

Chair: Yuko Okamoto (Nagoya University)

  • Invited talk (Machine learning/Quantum computing)
  • | Machine learning, data science, and quantum computing

2023年8月5日(土) 11:30 〜 12:00 301 (Room 2) (3F)

Chair: Nobuyuki Yoshioka (University of Tokyo)

  • Contributed talks (Machine learning/Quantum computing)
  • | Machine learning, data science, and quantum computing

2023年8月5日(土) 14:00 〜 15:20 301 (Room 2) (3F)

Chair: Yusuke Nomura (Keio University)

  • Contributed talks (Machine learning/Quantum computing)
  • | Machine learning, data science, and quantum computing

2023年8月5日(土) 14:00 〜 14:20 504+505 (Room 6) (5F)

Chair:Tsuyoshi Okubo (University of Tokyo)

  • Contributed talks (Particle physics/Nuclear physics)
  • | Particle physics/Nuclear physics

2023年8月5日(土) 14:00 〜 15:20 502 (Room 4) (5F)

Chair: Shoji Hashimoto (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))

  • Invite talk (Astrophysics/Plasma physics/Fluid mechanics)
  • | Astrophysics/Plasma physics/Fluid mechanics

2023年8月5日(土) 11:30 〜 12:00 501 (Room 3) (5F)

Chair: Junichiro Makino (Kobe University)

  • Contributed talks (Astrophysics/Plasma physics/Fluid mechanics)
  • | Astrophysics/Plasma physics/Fluid mechanics

2023年8月5日(土) 14:00 〜 14:40 401+402 (Room 5) (4F)

Chair: Ryoji Matsumoto (Chiba University)