34th IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics(CCP2023)

Presentation information

Contributed talks (Machine learning/Quantum computing)

Machine learning, data science, and quantum computing

Parallel session 1

Sat. Aug 5, 2023 2:00 PM - 3:20 PM 301 (Room 2) (3F)

Chair: Yusuke Nomura (Keio University)

3:00 PM - 3:20 PM

[C05-1-04] Building Robust Orders-of-Coupling Representations with Machine Learning

*Sergei Manzhos1, Manabu Ihara1 (1. Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan))

On-demand video

Keywords:orders-of-coupling, many-body expansion, neural network, Gaussian process regression, machine learning, many-mode expansion

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