34th IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics(CCP2023)


Contributed talks (Condensed matter physics)

Condensed matter physics

Parallel session 5

2023年8月6日(日) 13:40 〜 15:20 504+505 (Room 6) (5F)

Chair: Yuichi Otsuka (RIKEN Center for Computational Science)

15:00 〜 15:20

[C06-5-05] Semiclassical dynamical simulation of the Hubbard model

*Hidemaro Suwa1, Gia-Wei Chern2, Kipton Barros3, Cristian Daniel Batista4 (1. The University of Tokyo (Japan), 2. University of Virginia (United States of America), 3. Los Alamos National Laboratory (United States of America), 4. The University of Tennessee (United States of America))

On-demand video

キーワード:Hubbard model, Dynamics, Magnetic excitation

