
Presentation information


[ISS-L1] Basic Neuroscience

Fri. May 31, 2019 10:55 AM - 12:10 PM ISS Conference Room (Internatinal Conference Room, 3F, Bldg. 3)

Chair: Hiroshi Sakuma (Department of Brain Development and Neural Regenerating Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, Japan), Heiko J. Luhmann (Institute of Physiology; University Medical Center Mainz, Germany)

[L-03] How electrical activity shapes the developing brain: Of neonatal mice and preterm human babies

Heiko J. LUHMANN (Institute of Physiology; University Medical Center Mainz, Germany)

Institute of Physiology
University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Duesbergweg 6, D-55128 Mainz
Phone: +49 (0) 6131 39 26070 or -25944
Email: luhmann@uni-mainz.de

Academic education with degrees
1985 – 1987 Ph.D. thesis at MPI for Brain Research, Frankfurt/Main
1977 - 1983 Biology (Diploma), University of Bremen

Scientific degrees
1994 Habilitation in Physiology, Medical Faculty Univ. of Cologne
1987 Dr. rer. nat.: Biology, University of Bremen

Professional career
since 2016 Deputy speaker of the CRC 1080 "Molecular and cellular mechanisms of neural homoesostasis"
2010 - 2015 Speaker and coordinator of the Swiss-German Research Unit "Barrel Cortex Function" (DFG-FOR 1341)
2004 - 2013 Speaker and coordinator of the Neuroscience Graduate Program "Development-dependent and disease-induced modifications in the nervous system" (DFG GRK 1044/1), Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
since 2002 C4/W3 Professor of Physiology at the Medical Center of Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz
1997 - 2002 Speaker and coordinator of the Neuroscience Graduate Program "Pathological processes in the nervous system: from gene to behavior" (DFG GRK 320), University of Düsseldorf
1995 - 2002 C3-Professor of Physiology at the University of Düsseldorf
1994 - 1995 Assistant professor at the Institute of Physiology, Charité, Department of Neurophysiology, Humboldt-University Berlin
1990 - 1994 Research assistant at the Institute of Neurophysiology at the University of Cologne (Uwe Heinemann, M.D.)
1987 - 1990 Postdoctoral fellow of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft at the Department of Neurology at Stanford University School of Medicine (David Prince, M.D.)
1985 - 1987 Doctoral student, supervisor: Wolf Singer (M.D.), MPI Brain Research, Frankfurt

Reseach interests
Neurophysiology, developmental neurobiology

Awards, grants, honors
1992 Bennigsen-Foerder Award received from Ministry of Innovation, Science and Research of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
1992 – 1990 DFG Postdoc Fellowship, Department of Neurology and Neurological Sciences, Stanford University, USA

Other professional activities

since 2015 Member of the DFG Grants Committee for Collaborative Research Centres
since 2013 Editor in Chief "Neuroforum" and "e-Neuroforum", the Journal of the German Neuro-science Society (Neurowissenschaftliche Gesellschaft)
2011-2016 Section Editor "Neuroscience" - The journal of The International Brain Research Organization (IBRO)
2013/14 President of German Physiological Society (Deutsche Physiologische Gesellschaft)
2012-2014 Committee member of Network European Neuroscience Schools (NENS) of FENS
2009-2014 Member of Neuroscience review panel (Fachkollegium) at DFG

Member of external review board at GIGA-Neurosciences (University of Liège, Belgium), INSERM Strasbourg (France) and Neurocentre Magendie / INSERM u862 (Bordeaux, France).

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