


[ISS-L5] Treatment 1

2019年6月1日(土) 13:30 〜 15:30 ISS口演会場 (3号館3F 国際会議室)

Chair:Masahiro Hayakawa, Ronit Pressler

[L-20] Treatment and EEG monitoring for neonatal seizures

Ronit PRESSLER (Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, UK)

Ronit is Consultant in Clinical Neurophysiology and clinical lead of the Telemetry Unit at Great Ormond Street Hospital for children, London and Associated Professor at the UCL-Institute of Child Health. She qualified from Berlin University in 1992 and trained in paediatrics in Berlin, Germany and clinical neurophysiology at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London, obtaining her MD in 1997 and her PhD in 2006.
Her research interests include neonatal seizures, particularly their diagnosis and treatment, as well as the effect of epilepsy on cognition and pre-surgical evaluation in children with complex epilepsy. Since 2015 she has been on the council of the British Society for Clinical Neurophysiology BSCN) and currently severs as meeting secretary. She is also affiliated member of the Paediatric Neuroscience Clinical Reference Group, NHS England. She is chair of the ILAE neonatal seizure classification task force as well as co-chair of the ILAE neonatal guidelines and the INC Neonatal seizure working group.

