
Presentation information

Oral Presentation

Epilepsy: Treatment

[O20] Epilepsy: Treatment 2

Sat. Jun 1, 2019 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Room 6 (Reception Hall (East), 4F, Bldg. 1)

Chair: Ryoko Honda (Department of Pediatrics, National Hospital Organization Nagasaki Medical Center), Nobuhito Morota (Department of Neurosurgery, Kitasato University School of Medicine)

[O-119] Efficacy of corpus callosotomy for epileptic spasms after acute encephalopathy and encephalaitis.

渡邊嘉章 (Yoshiaki Watanabe)1,3, 本田涼子1,3, 小野智憲1, 戸田啓介2, 安忠輝3, 田中茂樹3, 馬場啓至4 (1.国立病院機構長崎医療センターてんかんセンター, 2.国立病院機構川棚医療センター脳神経外科, 3.国立病院機構長崎医療センター小児科, 4.西諌早病院てんかんセンター)

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