CIGR VI 2019


Oral Session

Postharvest/Food Technology and Process Engineering

[4-1015-A] Postharvest/Food Technology and Process Engineering (1)

2019年9月4日(水) 10:15 〜 12:00 Hall A (Main Hall)

Chair:Teodoro Espinosa-Solares(Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Mexico), Daisuke Hamanaka(Kagoshima University, Japan)

10:15 〜 10:30

[4-1015-A-01] Influence of Maturity Stages on Postharvest Respiration Rate and Mechanical Properties of Peach Fruit

Artemio Pérez-López1, *Teodoro Espinosa-Solares1, Sergio H Chávez-Franco2, Carlos A Villaseñor-Perea1, Luis H Hernández-Gómez3, Consuelo Lobato-Calleros1 (1. Universidad Autonoma Chapingo(Mexico), 2. Colegio de Posgraduados(Mexico), 3. Instituto Politecnico Nacional(Mexico))

キーワード:physical properties, maturity stage, respiration rate, compression load, anisotropy, apparent elasticity modulus

The objective of this work is to elucidate the influence of maturity stage of peach fruit cv. Diamante on the respiration rate and mechanical properties (compression load, strain and apparent elasticity modulus during storage at room temperature. Three maturity stages (green, middle yellow and yellow) were selected for the study. The highest respiration rate was observed for middle yellow fruits. For compressive load, mechanical properties of peach fruit tissue showed anisotropic behavior in the orientation tangential or radial directions. Peach maturity stage strongly influenced the mechanical properties of peach. The physical properties sphericity, density, bulk density, porosity, and packing coefficient of the fruit harvested at physiological maturity stage were also evaluated.