CIGR VI 2019


Oral Session

Food Safety

[5-1015-A] Food Safety (2)

2019年9月5日(木) 10:15 〜 11:30 Hall A (Main Hall)

Chair:Ubonrat Siripatrawan(Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)

10:45 〜 11:00

[5-1015-A-03] Preservation of sardine and scallop by high hydrostatic pressure: safety and quality aspects

*Amauri Rosenthal1, Rosiane Costa Bonfim1,2, Fabiano Alves Oliveira3, Ronoel Luiz de Oliveira Godoy1, Carlos Adam Conte Junior4, Eduardo Henrique Miranda Walter1 (1. Embrapa(Brazil), 2. Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro(Brazil), 3. Cefet Valença(Brazil), 4. Federal Fluminense University(Brazil))

キーワード:Sardine, Scallop, High Hydrostatic Pressure, Preservation, Shelf life

High hydrostatic pressure (HHP) has been a successful novel technology for preservation of different foods, including seafood and fishes. However, safety and quality aspects have to be considered for designing a proper process aiming at optimizing the quality and assuring the safety of the products. Some studies have been carried out for comparing quality and safety aspects of sardine and "Lion Paw" scallop muscle processed by HHP. Therefore, sardine fillets and scallops muscle were treated by 300 MPa to 400 MPa for 0 to 15 min. and compared regarding microbiology, TBARS, N-TVB formation and nucleotide degradation along refrigerated (4-5oC) shelf-life. In the case of sardines, HHP did not completely cease N-TVB formation and nucleotide degradation, but minimized the development of those processes, especially at higher pressure levels and holding times. Regarding scallops, HHP decreased the count of mesophilic and psychotropic microorganisms below the legislation standard requirements. However, proper caution should be taken mainly considering specific pathogenic microorganisms. As expected, HHP accelerated lipid oxidation in the case of scallops, resulting in increase of TBARS, but did not exceed the standard limit of 2 mg/kg. Nucleotide degradation followed different patterns considering the different metabolisms and specificities of the muscle fibers. These results indicate that HHP can significantly increase the refrigerated storage time for sardine and scallop but intrinsic and extrinsic factors and characteristics may influence the safety and quality aspects.