CIGR VI 2019

Presentation information

Oral Session

Others (including the category of JSAM and SASJ)

[5-1015-D] Other Categories (2)

Thu. Sep 5, 2019 10:15 AM - 11:30 AM Room D (4th room)

Chair:Tri Yuliana(Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia)

10:30 AM - 10:45 AM

[5-1015-D-02] Development of a Cloud-based Internet of things Monitoring System for Fish Activity and Water Quality in Aquaponics

*Chien Lee1, Yu-Jen Wang1 (1. Department of Mechanical and Electromechanical Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University(Taiwan))

Keywords:Aquaponics, Aquaculture, Internet of Things, Fish Activity, Oxygen Transfer, Water Quality

A cloud-based Internet of things monitoring system in aquaponics is proposed in this study. The system can use commercial sensors to measure water temperature, water depth, the amount of oxygen dissolved in water, and water pH . Moreover, three infrared distance sensors were attached to the aquarium glass at different heights to estimate fish school activity and provide an alternative alarm system for indicating an abnormal water level in the tank. Water depth sensing in the rearing tank can be used to evaluate the ebb-and-flow irrigation function and estimate the flow rate of water circulation. A novel oxygen transfer model was set up in this study, the results of which prove that fish activity influences water quality. The model also indicates how to use regression analysis for diagnosing problems. Fish activity measurements can be used to estimate water quality or cross-check sensor types and provide proactive precursors to variations. The measuring module containing sensors and sub-1 GHz communication can transmit data through a 1-km-long gateway module. Finally, the data are uploaded to ThingSpeakTM, a cloud platform, through Wi-Fi. By using the data stored on the cloud, a real-time alarm system for indicating abnormalities is developed and a periodic regression analysis is conducted using the cloud-based programming of ThingSpeakTM.