CIGR VI 2019


Keynote Lecture

Food Function/Nutrition

[6-0900-A] Keynote Lecture 6th

2019年9月6日(金) 09:00 〜 10:15 Hall A (Main Hall)

Chair:Rosires Deliza(Embrapa Food Technology, Brazil)

09:30 〜 10:00

[6-0900-A-02] Biosensing Platforms for DNA, Viruses, Food Toxicants and Environmental Contaminants

*Geoffrey Waterhouse1 (1. The University of Auckland(New Zealand))

キーワード:Biosensing, DNA, Virus, Contaminant

Global concerns about food safety and human health motivate the development of new and improved technologies for the detection of food adulterants, point of care diagnostics (POCD) and disease treatment. This speech will overview some recent collaborative work involving the successful application of nanotechnology in these three areas. Through a series of case studies, the vast potential of nanotechnology in the food, biotechnology and health sectors will be demonstrated.