*内匠 透1 (1. 神戸大学大学院医学研究科生理学・細胞生物学講座)
Session information
[JSNP/JSCNP joint meeting] Symposia
JSNP/JSCNP joint meeting » Symposia
Symposium 19
Novel approaches based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) for analyzing behavior and neural activity in experimental animal models.
Sat. May 25, 2024 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM Room 14 (G602)
Chair: Hiroshi Nishimaru (System Emotional Science, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toyama), Toru Takumi(Department of Physiology and Cell Biology, Kobe University School of Medicine)
*Koki Mimura1,2, jumpei Matsumoto3, Daichi Mochihashi1, Tomoaki Nakamura4, Hisao Nishijo3, Takafumi Minamimoto2 (1. The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 2. National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology, 3. University of Toyama, 4. The University of Electro-Communications)
*Jumpei Matsumoto1 (1. System Emotional Science, University of Toyama)