2:45 PM - 3:00 PM
[O7-02] Familiarity-matching
choices based on similarity of familiarity
Keywords:heuristic, familiarity, binary choice task
Previous studies have shown that individuals often choose one object between two objects using a simple heuristic (e.g., recognition, familiarity, or fluency heuristic) in a binary choice task. In the present study, we propose a new heuristic called familiarity-matching, which predicts that when a decision maker is familiar (or unfamiliar) with an object presented in a question sentence, s/he will choose the more (or less) familiar object from the two alternatives. We examined inference processes of familiarity-matching through a behavioral experiment. Results showed that participants indeed tended to employ familiarity-matching and that they often used familiarity-matching especially when solving difficult binary choice problems.
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