[P2-25] Longitudinal correlated changes in depression, rumination, decentering and switching
Keywords:rumination, decentering, switching
People must switch thoughts and actions accordingly from day to day in order to carry out their respective goals. Decentering which can objectively grasp the experience as a factor to prevent and alleviate the difficulty of switching by ruminant can be considered. In the previous study, examined the relationship between each variable by cross-sectional study, but there are not many places where it affects occurrence, maintenance. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to examine the state of change of rumination, decentering, switching from the longitudinal data of the secondary point and clarify the relationship of each variable. As a result of the analysis, we found that the depression increase group had originally low switching scores. Switching can be done if the rumination falls, and switching can not be done if the rumination increases. On the other hand, it turned out that switching can be done when decentering increases.
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