The 15th Conference of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology

Presentation information



[S4] 神経科学から考える認知研究のドメイン

Sun. Jun 4, 2017 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Symposium (Room 517)

企画者:梅田 聡(慶應義塾大学)、羽倉 信宏(情報通信研究機構)
話題提供者:山本 慎也(産業技術総合研究所)、四本 裕子(東京大学)、羽倉 信宏(情報通信研究機構)、開 一夫(東京大学)

[S4] 神経科学から考える認知研究のドメイン

梅田 聡1、羽倉 信宏2、山本 慎也3、四本 裕子4、開 一夫4 (1. 慶應義塾大学、2. 情報通信研究機構、3. 産業技術総合研究所、4. 東京大学)

We can discriminate between deceptive and genuine faces. We investigated how we use spatial frequency components for the discrimination. In a previous study, participants were asked to generate instructed faces by tuning the intensity of a smiling and angry expression. In the present study, participants were asked to classify presented faces composed of the low and high spatial frequency (LSF and HSF) expressions as either deceptive smile, deceptive anger, genuine smile, or genuine anger. The intensity of the expression were changed from +10 (the most smiling) to -10 (the most anger). LSF and HSF components of the images were varied independently. The results showed that a deceptive smile consisted of different intensities between LSF and HSF, as shown in the previous study. Therefore, we can conclude that we discriminate between deceptive and genuine smiles by using the unbalanced intensities of expression in LSF and HSF.

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