10:30 AM - 10:45 AM
[O2-01] Effects of autistic traits and positive body image on visual hand recognition
Keywords:visual hand recognition, self-other identification, laterality judgement
The aim of this study is to investigate i) whether and how explicit visual hand recognition differs from implicit one and ii) whether the explicit recognition relates to autistic traits (i.e., autism spectrum quotient [AQ score] and positive body image (the body appreciation scale-2 [BAS-2]). Participants performed two tasks; i) explicit self-other identification task where ownership of the hand image (self or other) was answered, and ii) laterality judgment task (i.e., implicit self-other identification task) where hand laterality of the image (using own and others) was answered. We found that, in only the explicit self-other identification task, one subcategory of AQ score (i.e., attention switching) correlated with the reaction time difference between self and hand images, and marginal significant negative correlation between reaction time and BAS-2 was also revealed.
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