The 17th Conference of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology

Presentation information

Oral Presentation

[O2] Oral Pesentation 2: Social Cognition

Sat. May 25, 2019 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Meeting Room 2 (WEST 3F)

座長:福井 隆雄(首都大学東京)、菊地 史倫(公益財団法人鉄道総合技術研究所)

11:15 AM - 11:30 AM

[O2-04] How do we harness others’ opinions?

An investigation focusing on questions

*Itsuki Fujisaki1, Honda Hidehito2, Ueda Kazuhiro1 (1. University of Tokyo, 2. Yasuda Women's University )

Keywords:decision-making, consumer behavior, online review sites

With the increasing proliferation of information technology, we can conveniently harness others’ opinions. A previous study (Fujisaki, Honda & Ueda, 2018) which focused on online review sites showed that the purposes of the choices (i.e., choices for self/others) affected how participants harnessed others’ evaluations. They conducted a binary-product-choice-task after instructing the purposes of the choices. The task composed of two rating distributions which had similar average of ratings but different variance of ratings (high / low). They analyzed across all questions, so this study re-analyzed the influence of the questions on choice by using their behavioral data and found their effect. Specifically, participants changed their choices according to the averages of high-variance options. This leads us to presume that participants may have easily recognized differences in high-variance options among the questions more than low-variance options. Finally, we shall discuss how our findings can contribute real-world online review sites.

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