The 17th Conference of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology

Presentation information

Poster Presentation

[P1] Poster Presentation 1: Memory

Sat. May 25, 2019 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Seminar Room (EAST 2F)

[P1-11] The Relationship Between The Retrieval-Induced-Forgetting Effect and The Autobiographical Memories Emotion Valence

*Xinning Su1, Muneyoshi Hyodo2 (1. Chuo University Graduate School of Letters, 2. Chuo University Faculty of Letters)

Keywords:Autobiographical memory, Retrieval-induced-forgetting, Emotional valence

Storm’s (2012) study suggests inhibition may promote this positivity effect by deterring negative memories from being retrieved. But it is not revealed there has a relationship between the retrieval-induced-forgetting Effect and the autobiographical memories emotion valence. On the other hand, the previous study’s participants recalled memories of specified emotion. Finally, the autobiographical recall was scored for each participant as the proportion of keywords that elicited an autobiographical memory of the appropriate valence. So In this study, we used the retrieval-induced forgetting paradigm and autobiographical memories free recall task, to measured individual differences in retrieval-induced forgetting and correlated that individual differences in the free recall of autobiographical memories. Participants who exhibited higher levels of retrieval-induced forgetting recalled significantly more positive memories.

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