[P2-08] Effects of presentation time and rating scales on preference of curved objects
Keywords:object preference, object types, presentation time
Curved objects are generally preferred to sharp angled objects regardless of object types (e.g., Bar & Neta, 2006). However, the size of the effect varied substantially across the previous studies, potentially due to the differences in presentation time and rating scales. The present study examined that presentation time and rating scales contribute to preference bias toward curved objects. We presented two types (real or meaningless) of curved and sharp angled objects with 90 ms of exposure duration in a like/dislike judgement task (Experiment 1). The results showed that participants preferred the curved real objects to the sharp angled real objects, but the effect did not occur with meaningless objects, when the presentation time was unlimited (Experiment 2), or when participants judged along the 0-100 scale (Experiment 3). We suggest that the presence or absence of the preference of curved objects depends on the presentation time and rating scales.
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