


[P2] ポスター発表2:知覚・注意

2019年5月25日(土) 14:00 〜 16:00 セミナー室 (東館2階)

[P2-11] The effect of positivity and negativity of present and future on temporal distance judgment

Son Yeson1、Kim Bia1、*Lee GoEun1 (1. Pusan National University, South Korea)

キーワード:temporal distance judgment、present and future、emotion

This study examines the effect of present and future situation on the temporal distance estimation to the future. The effect of present and future situation on time expression was verified. In Experiment, an experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of positivity/negativity situation of the present and the future on the judgment of subjective the distance to a certain future time. The results are as follows. When the present is positive and the future is negative, the future looks closer than the objective temporal distance and comes faster, when the present is negative and the future is positive, the future looks farther and comes slower. On the other hand, when the present and the future are both negative, the future looks coming slower. And when the present and the future are both positive, the future is expected to come faster.

論文集原稿 閲覧パスワード認証

