The 100th CSJ Annual Meeting

Presentation information

Academic Program (AP)

Physical Organic Chemistry -Reaction Mechanism-

Physical Organic Chemistry -Reaction Mechanism-

Sun. Mar 22, 2020 1:00 PM - 4:50 PM B8 (K209, Lecture Hall Bldg. [2F])

1B8-25~1B8-28 OKAZAKI, Takao
1B8-31 KITAGAWA, Toshikazu
1B8-38~1B8-40 OHGA, Yasushi
1B8-43~1B8-46 ITOH, Shuhei

4:10 PM - 4:20 PM

[1B8-44] Origin of stereoselectivity in a mechanochemical reaction of diphenylfulvene and maleimide

Oral A

○INA, Wakana; GONNET, Lori; HARUTA, Naoki; SATO, Tohru; BARON, Michel (FIFC, Kyoto Univ.; Grad. Sch. Eng., Kyoto Univ.; Université de Toulouse, IMT Mines Albi; ESICB, Kyoto Univ.)

PC Setting Time: 15:50-16:00

Keywords:Mechanochemistry, Diels-Alder reaction, Ball mill, Density functional theory, Potential energy surface

Abstract PDF file are available, if you have valid ID & password.
(A) In case of pre-registration, you could use log-in ID (your E-mail address) & password for your meeting's mypage.
(B) In case of on-site registration, you have recieved a card at registration desk, and you could use user's ID & password written on it.
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