The 100th CSJ Annual Meeting

Presentation information

Academic Program (AP)

Catalysts and Catalysis

Catalysts and Catalysis

Tue. Mar 24, 2020 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM B9 (K210, Lecture Hall Bldg. [2F])

3B9-01~3B9-06 YASUTAKA, Kuwahara
3B9-08~3B9-12 ARITANI, Hirofumi
3B9-15~3B9-18 AMAO, Yutaka

10:50 AM - 11:10 AM

[3B9-12] Selective Synthesis of Hydrogen Isotope Gases and Tunneling Effect in the Dehydrogenation of Formic Acid

Oral B

○MORI, Kohsuke; FUTAMURA, Yuya; MASUDA, Shinya; KOBAYASHI, Hisayoshi; YAMASHITA, Hiromi (Grad. Sch. Eng., Osaka Univ.; ESICB Kyoto Univ.; KIT)

PC Setting Time: 10:00-10:10

Keywords:formic acid, hydrogen isotope gases, tunneling effect

Abstract PDF file are available, if you have valid ID & password.
(A) In case of pre-registration, you could use log-in ID (your E-mail address) & password for your meeting's mypage.
(B) In case of on-site registration, you have recieved a card at registration desk, and you could use user's ID & password written on it.
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