2018 The Chemical Society of Japan

Presentation information

Academic Program (AP)

Coordination Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry

Coordination Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry

Tue. Mar 20, 2018 1:10 PM - 6:30 PM A6 (1441, Bldg. 14)

1A6-26~1A6-31 MIYASAKA, Hitoshi
1A6-33~1A6-38 OZAWA, Hironobu
1A6-40~1A6-44 MASAOKA, Shigeyuki
1A6-47~1A6-51 YOSHINARI, Nobuto
1A6-54~1A6-57 KOBAYASHI, Atsushi


2:00 PM - 2:10 PM

[1A6-31] Solar Driven Hydrogen Production in a Photoelectrochemical Cell Using a Pt Porphyrin Modified TiO2 Electrode as a Cathode

01.Oral A

○MORITA, Kohei; TAKIJIRI, Kohei; SAKAI, Ken; OZAWA, Hironobu (Fac. Sci., Kyushu Univ.; I2CNER, Kyushu Univ.; CMS, Kyushu Univ.)

PC Setting Time : 13:00 - 13:10

Keywords:Pt complex、Photoelectrochemical cell、H2 evolution、Titanium oxide