2018 The Chemical Society of Japan

Presentation information

Academic Program (AP)

Biofunctional Chemistry ; Biotechnology

Biofunctional Chemistry ; Biotechnology

Tue. Mar 20, 2018 1:30 PM - 5:50 PM D5 (935, Bldg. 9)

1D5-28~1D5-33 MURAYAMA, Keiji
1D5-35~1D5-40 MASAKI, Yoshiaki
1D5-42~1D5-47 HAYASHI, Gosuke
1D5-49~1D5-53 MIYOSHI, Daisuke


5:30 PM - 5:40 PM

[1D5-52] Metal-responsive structure conversion of artificial DNA three-way junctions: development of an alternative linker between the ligand and DNA

01.Oral A

○SAKAKIBARA, Shiori; TAKEZAWA, Yusuke; SHIONOYA, Mitsuhiko (Grad. Sch. Sci., The Univ. of Tokyo)

PC Setting Time : 16:50 - 17:00

Keywords:Artificial DNA、DNA three-way junction structures、Metal complexes、Bipyridine、DNA nanotechnology