2018 The Chemical Society of Japan

Presentation information

Advanced Technology Program (ATP) [Poster]



Tue. Mar 20, 2018 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM P (Arena, Sports Hall)

[1PC-023] Rechargeable Battery with 100% Cathode-active Material: Application of Conductive π-Stacked Structure of a Stable Organic Neutral Radical

04.ATP Poster

○MURATA, Tsuyoshi; ITO, Hiroshi; MORITA, Miwa; TSUJI, Ryotaro; MORITA, Yasushi (Fac. Eng., Aichi Inst. of Tech.; KFTRAL, KANEKA CORP.)

Keywords:Trioxotriangulene、Organic Neutral Radical、Multi-stage Redox Ability、Organic Rechargeable Battery、Vapor Deposited Thin-film