2018 The Chemical Society of Japan

Presentation information

Advanced Technology Program (ATP) [Poster]

Resources/Environment/Green sustainable chemistry

Resources/Environment/Green sustainable chemistry

Tue. Mar 20, 2018 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM P (Arena, Sports Hall)

[1PC-058] Study on the mechanism of sugar isomerization-accelerating effect of organogermanium compound, Ge-132

04.ATP Poster

○SHIMADA, Yasuhiro; NAGASAWA, Takae; SATO, Katsuyuki; NAKAMURA, Takashi; TOKUJI, Yoshihiko; KASUMI, Takafumi (Asai Germanium Res. Inst. Co., Ltd.)

Keywords:Organogermanium compound、D-glucose、NMR、Complex、Isomerized sugar