2018 The Chemical Society of Japan

Presentation information

Medium and Long-Term Theme Symposium

Medium and Long-Term Theme Symposium

Molecular Design and Molecular Technology: Creation of New Functions for Innovation

Tue. Mar 20, 2018 1:35 PM - 5:25 PM S4 (1422, Bldg. 14)

1S4-09~1S4-12 YAMAZOE, Seiji
1S4-13~1S4-16 KARASAWA, Satoru
1S4-17~1S4-21 HATA, Takeshi


3:20 PM - 3:35 PM

[1S4-15] Creation of Molecular Technology and Catalysis Featuring Control of Proton/Electron Movement

18.Medium and Long-Term Program Lecture

○KUWATA, Shigeki (Sch. Mater. & Chem. Tech., Tokyo Tech.)

Keywords:Molecular Technology、Metal Complex、Proton Transfer、Electron Transfer、Catalysis