2018 The Chemical Society of Japan

Presentation information

Academic Program (AP)

Biofunctional Chemistry ; Biotechnology

Biofunctional Chemistry ; Biotechnology

Wed. Mar 21, 2018 2:30 PM - 5:20 PM D7 (937, Bldg. 9)

2D7-34~2D7-39 UMAKOSHI, Hiroshi
2D7-41~2D7-44 MURATA, Michio
2D7-46~2D7-50 TANAKA, Tsuyoshi


3:20 PM - 3:30 PM

[2D7-39] Preparation and bilayer properties of oxidized and fluorescent derivatives of ceramide

01.Oral A

○MATSUFUJI, Takaaki; KINOSHITA, Masanao; MATSUMORI, Nobuaki (Grad. Sch. Sci., Kyushu Univ.)

PC Setting Time : 14:20 - 14:30