2018 The Chemical Society of Japan

Presentation information

Academic Program (AP)

Colloid and Interface Chemistry

Colloid and Interface Chemistry

Wed. Mar 21, 2018 9:00 AM - 12:20 PM E4 (1022, Bldg. 10)

2E4-01~2E4-05 MITOMO, Hideyuki
2E4-08 MAEDA, Mizuo
2E4-15~2E4-20 FUJIMORI, Atsuhiro


9:10 AM - 9:20 AM

[2E4-02] Inhibition of Gold Nanoparticle Assembly by Using Liposomes as Steric Hindrance

01.Oral A

○MATSUO, Kotaro; SUGIKAWA, Kouta; IKEDA, Atsushi (Grad. Sch. Eng., Hiroshima Univ.)

PC Setting Time : 08:50 - 09:00

Keywords:Lipid Membrane、Liposome、Gold Nanoparticles、Assembly