2018 The Chemical Society of Japan

Presentation information

Academic Program (AP)

Coordination Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry

Coordination Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry

Thu. Mar 22, 2018 9:00 AM - 12:10 PM A8 (1443, Bldg. 14)

3A8-01~3A8-06 IMOTO, Hiroaki
3A8-08~3A8-13 SAITO, Masaichi
3A8-15~3A8-19 NANJO, Masato


10:20 AM - 10:30 AM

[3A8-09] Synthesis and Structure of Germanate Complex Having Phenanthrenedialkoxido Ligands

01.Oral A

○YONEDA, Tomoka; NANJO, Masato (Fac. Eng., Tottori Univ.)

PC Setting Time : 10:00 - 10:10

Keywords:Germanate、Molecular structure、UV-vis absorption spectra、Fluorescence spectra