2018 The Chemical Society of Japan

Presentation information

Academic Program (AP)

Coordination Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry

Coordination Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry

Thu. Mar 22, 2018 1:30 PM - 5:20 PM B1 (1451, Bldg. 14)

3B1-28~3B1-29 IWASAKI, Takanori
3B1-31 KANBARA, Takaki
3B1-35 AKITA, Munetaka
3B1-39~3B1-44 SHIMAZAKI, Yuichi
3B1-46~3B1-50 OOHORA, Koji


3:30 PM - 3:40 PM

[3B1-40] Design and synthesis of organometallic molecular wires with long-legged ligand for stable molecular junction

01.Oral A

○BAE, Yeana; TANAKA, Yuya; AKITA, Munetaka (Lab. Chem. Life Sci., Tokyo Tech.)

PC Setting Time : 15:10 - 15:20

Keywords:molecular wire、long-legged ligand、ruthenium、single molecule conductance measurement、STM-BJ method