2018 The Chemical Society of Japan

Presentation information

Academic Program (AP)

Inorganic Chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry

Thu. Mar 22, 2018 1:10 PM - 2:50 PM B4 (1454, Bldg. 14)

3B4-26~3B4-31 ITO, Takeru
3B4-33~3B4-35 KURODA, Yoshiyuki


1:30 PM - 1:40 PM

[3B4-28] Synthesis of Multinuclear Metal Cores Using Hexavacant Lacunary Phosphotungstate

01.Oral A

○TOMINAGA, Naoto; MINATO, Takuo; SUZUKI, Kosuke; YAMAGUCHI, Kazuya; MIZUNO, Noritaka (Grad. Sch. Eng., The Univ. of Tokyo)

PC Setting Time : 13:00 - 13:10

Keywords:Polyoxometalate、Multinuclear Metal Cluster、Inorganic Multidentate Ligand