2018 The Chemical Society of Japan

Presentation information

Academic Program (AP)

Functions of Materials

Functions of Materials

Thu. Mar 22, 2018 1:30 PM - 3:50 PM I3 (1233, Bldg. 12)

3I3-28~3I3-33 MUTOH, Katsuya
3I3-35~3I3-40 MATSUURA, Kazunori


1:30 PM - 1:50 PM

[3I3-28] Solvatofluorochromism and Dual Fluorescence of the Amine-Ketone Dyad Linked by a Nonconjugated Moiety

02.Oral B

KURAMOTO, Yutaro; NAKAGIRI, Takanobu; MATSUI, Yasunori; OHTA, Eisuke; ○IKEDA, Hiroshi (Grad. Sch. Eng., Osaka Pref. Univ.; The Research Inst. for Molecular Electronic Devices, Osaka Pref. Univ.)

PC Setting Time : 13:20 - 13:30

Keywords:Intramolecular Charge Transfer、Solvent Effect、Cyclic Voltammetry、DFT Calculation