The 86th ECSJ Spring Meeting

Presentation information



Wed. Mar 27, 2019 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM J会場 (吉田南総合館共西32)

座長:宮崎 晃平(京都大学)

11:15 AM - 11:30 AM

[1J04(一般講演)] サイクロトロンMHD電極によるイオン空孔衝突半径の測定

〇Atsushi Sugiyama1,2,3, Makoto Miura4, Yoshinobu Oshikiri5, Ryoichi Morimoto6, Miki Miura7, Tetsuya Osaka2, Iwao Mogi8, Yusuke Yamauchi10,3, Ryoichi Aogaki3,9 (1. Yoshino Denka Kogyo, Inc., 2. Research Organization for Nano and Life Innovation, Waseda Univ., 3. National Institute for Materials Science, 4. Hokkaido Polytechnic College, 5. Yamagata College of Industry & Technology, 6. Saitama Industrial Technology Center, 7. Polytechnic Center Kimitsu, 8. Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku Univ., 9. Polytechnic Univ., 10. Univ. of Queensland)