The 60th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Educational Psychology

Presentation information

準備委員会企画 招待講演

[準企招] 準備委員会企画 招待講演


Sun. Sep 16, 2018 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM DB201 (独立館 地下2階)


[準企招] いったい何が違いをもたらすのか What exactly makes the difference?

学業に及ぼす知能の影響 The impact of intelligence on academic learning.

今井むつみ1, エルスベス スターン#2 (1.慶應義塾大学, 2.ETHチューリッヒ)


In its beginnings, psychometric intelligence was closely intertwined with institutional academic learning as it takes place at schools. The need for intelligence tests appeared as a consequence of compulsory school education, which raised concerns of selective placement. However, it took researchers several decades, before they recognized that intelligence does not solely characterize an individual’s cognitive capability, but rather has also to be seen in the light of the respective environmental and cultural background. The attempt to create culture free intelligence tests, which should allow valid statements about the cognitive capacities of unschooled or even illiterate individuals, appears quite arrogant and presumptuous from a today’s perspective. Intelligence, as we measure it with IQ-tests, can only emerge in a context of literacy and schooling, as the late intelligence researcher Richard Snow stated in 1982: “Psychology now recognizes intelligence as education’s most important product, as well as its most important raw material.” In spite of their common roots, however, psychological research on intelligence and on education has increasingly grown apart from each other in the past decades. In educational studies, individual differences are often considered just a flaw, and the role of intelligence for learning outcomes is marginalized quite frequently. Intelligence researchers, on the other hand, quite often overlook the capacity for learning all individuals have, as well as the importance of deliberate practice necessary to acquire domain-specific knowledge in order to gain competence. A closer look on how the raw-material “intelligence” is transformed into meaningful knowledge by schooling therefore seems to be worthwhile.
While there is overwhelming evidence for intelligence to facilitate and speed up all kinds of learning, little is known about qualitative differences in learning trajectories between more or less intelligent students. Academic learning, far and foremost in Science and Mathematics, does not reveal in just accumulating knowledge, but rather is the result of conceptual restructuring. The challenge all learners experience is switching from characteristic to defining features of concepts. Independent of an individual’s intelligence, this process of conceptual change needs instructional support. Data on the effects of intelligence on exploiting learning opportunities will be presented.