
Presentation information

General presentation

Noise and vibration control technology » Improvement technology of noise and vibration


Fri. Jul 9, 2021 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM Web room 1 (Webex)

Chair:Kenichiro Nagai(Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)

11:00 AM - 11:15 AM

[120] A study for alternative technique of aerodynamic noise reduction method of pantograph head support by applying porous material

〇Takeshi Mitsumoji1, Hiromasa Hirakawa1, Mariko Akutsu1, Shigeyuki Kobayashi1, Yusuke Wakabayashi2 (1. 公益財団法人鉄道総合技術研究所、2. 東日本旅客鉄道株式会社)